Tuesday, March 20, 2007


i worked a full week in the front ... i made drinks, smoothies, shakes, sundaes, cones, blasts, slushes, and scooped a truck full of ice. i was thrilled to have a day off. it was nice to not have to stand up for 8+ hours on Sunday. :-)

but monday brought another full day of work, but with talk of moving to the kitchen. i was happy to talk about it and consider it, but scared to commit to it. but today i had no choice. i was delegated. :-)

so for two hours i worked in the kitchen doing a little of everything. it was slow enough that i was able to dress a burger and learn what goes on a chicken strip wrap w/o feeling pressure to perform under 10 seconds. but around 4:00 or so i got put on the grill to cook meat. Tuesdays are half-price burger night, so we have to have a TON of meat ready to go after 5. so, i learned what to do on the grill and worked it until 8. i cooked meat, bacon, and grilled chicken, and cleaned the grills. it was hot, splattery, and easy. i handled it well. :-)

and so, that's about all i have to say about that. OH, the guys in the kitchen are WAY cooler than the girls in the front. they joke with me. they introduce themselves to me. they ask me how long i've been working there. they welcomed me and said it was cool to have me working in the kitchen with them. it was much easier to handle mentally because of the crew.

my house is selling. the inspection was on monday. don't know yet how that went, but assume since i haven't heard anything that it went fairly easy. not really sure when i'll get back to Colorado to pack it all up, but if all continues to go well i'll have to be out of there by the end of April.

i guess that's about it for now.

oh, and trailer life is just fine. :-)


Anonymous said...

Dick has appointments on 3/27, 3/20, and 4/4. Otherwise, he's free to help you move. Please give as much advance notice as possible.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that's 3/27, 3/30, and 4/4