Tuesday, May 22, 2012

just because it's vegan...

today i felt out of control with the munchies. i had pumpkin flax granola bars this afternoon, just because they taste good. and after dinner i promptly ate three squares of chocolate cake. i was just going to have a bite. and then one more bite. but.... it turned into finishing it off. "go on, eat it, get it out of here!"

ya know, just because it's made with whole wheat flour, no dairy, and no oil, doesn't make it healthy enough to eat the entire thing in one sitting. i mean, really!

so, i'm chalking today up as a minor setback in the control area. i'm definitely still IN control and feeling successful in that area overall. i mean, this morning i had the choice of sitting in a meeting hungry, or eating sugary junk food for breakfast. i chose to drink water and wait until the meeting was over to eat my healthy breakfast. but what's more successful is that i didn't even have to think twice about it. truly, it felt very natural to not even desire it. so yes, that in itself is success.

had that chocolate cake not even been in my kitchen for the last several days (thanks, Mom), i wouldn't have eaten it. so, yeah, lesson learned. don't have anything that's tempting like that in my house.

just because it's vegan, doesn't mean it's healthy.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Do Tonsils Really Count?

i thought of something yesterday regarding my recent ability to run without having an asthma attack ... i had my tonsils out two years ago. they were very infected on a continual basis and caused me many illnesses my entire life. since then i've had a sore throat two times and one minor cold.

i wonder ... as i wander ... did that have more of an impact than i'm giving credit for?

honestly, i think there are a number of factors involved. Tonsil removal. Diet. Age. i think those are three key contributors to my recent exercise success.

does my asthma still flare up? oh yeah. but it's not a hindrance to me anymore.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Ironic Commercial

i saw a funny commercial this morning while running at the gym. well, it wasn't meant to be funny, but i thought it was, given all that i've been learning lately. it was a commercial for Zyrtec allergy medicine. it showed people sneezing and then grabbing balled-up tissues from their pockets. this guy goes to pay for something and has to sift through his tissue to find his dollar. at the end it shows him handing his money to this kid who then gives him a two-scoop ice cream cone.

anyone see the irony?

animal dairy is a cause of allergies. many different kinds. actually, dairy causes all kinds of problems. and seriously, for some, the avoidance of such products alleviates many issues, one of which is allergies. now for others, this isn't entirely true. we all have things we are prone to having no matter what we eat or do.

BUT ... it's quite possible that guy on the commercial wouldn't be sneezing so much if he'd quit eating ice cream and other animal dairy.