Wednesday, November 08, 2006

how long have i been here???

someone please enlighten me ... i can't figure it out in my brain and it feels like forever.

yesterday was the first day since i've been here i haven't walked at all. i occupied three places inside the house, all day long ... my bed, the couch, and the dining table. i felt a little guilt, but not enough to motivate me to do more.

of course you all are asking, "Why???" well, i'll tell you why. if i had to write down one more new, irregular verb i was going to completely freak out. monday was hard enough and as it was i had to fight back tears almost all day long. so when i didn't get more than 4 hours of sleep monday night, i decided i wasn't going to school. so what if i paid for it. so what if that was what i was here for. all i would end up doing was crying, so what was the point. so i stayed home. and felt much better for it. i didn't cry at all.

however, i can't stay home forever. so here i am, at school once again, ready to learn yet another verb, at least 5 new words, and not completely understand everything Hugo says. another normal day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny ~
I just began to read - wow!! all your notes. I'm sorry to see that you are a bit down. I'm sure this won't be the only time. Even tho' you have the beauty around you - and thanks for the GREAT pictures, I love them - and you can walk and go and see such great stuff, you're real reason for being there is Spanish. That will pull you down sometimes. To realize that you HAVE to study and learn. You'd rather sightsee instead. But, you'll be alright. You'll be fine in a few days - or already maybe! Anyway, I'll pray - am praying.
Going to see my "friend" next week. I'll be gone for 10 days - seeing my oldest son and family as well. I'll let you know how it goes. Love ya.