Friday, November 17, 2006

...and Leo was his name-o!

so i had kind of decided i wasn't going to meet Leo at 10 p.m. ANYwhere. i wrote a note and went out at 5 p.m. to find his restaurant to have someone give it to him to explain i wouldn't be there. i couldn't find the restaurant. so i decided to walk down to the Mono Loco to see if Jackie was working. Jackie was a young girl from Oregon who lived in the house with us for a few days. she wanted to get a job there, so i thought maybe she succeeded. however, she did not. i talked with the bar manager there for a while. Zach from the States. very nice guy, but lacked attention. anyways. then i left.

as i'm walking back up the same street but the opposite side trying to find the restaurant that Leo works at, i look up from walking around someone and there stands Leo eating an ice cream cone. :-) he says Hi and asks if he could take me to a couple of places here in the city. he said it was better that we meet in the day anyways, especially because he wasn't feeling well and wasn't at work. he was disappointed thinking i would go to the Mono Loco tonight and he wouldn't be there. i told him i wasn't going to meet him and that it was better to hang out for a little while right now and yes he could show me a couple of places.

so off we walk. it was a little weird because he has his bike he has to push and a helmet and ice cream to hold/eat in streets filled with people and cars and me to talk to. but around the corner he talked to someone, left his bike in their building, and we climbed stairs to the top of the building. what a nice view. it was just getting dark, so the Catedral was lit up and distant. there were a lot of clouds, but up there the sunset would be amazing. it was pretty cool. yes, he's smooth. :-)

then we walked to an old church or something. he was trying to show me the old and new structure, but i don't know why. but it was nice. then we picked up his bike and walked to a restaurant called El Soreno. this place is beautiful. we went up some stairs into an outside bar with lights and candles and Frank Sinatra. we were the only people there. it was really nice. he asked if i wanted a drink. i said sure. a Pina Colada came and we sat down and talked and drank the PC until it was time for me to go home for dinner. (bad sidenote: i don't think he wanted to pay for my drink, but had to because i had NO money on me at all. besides which, he SHOULD have, so that was a bit of a turnoff)

he walked me home. he said it was a pleasure and would see me tomorrow (today) at 10 a.m. at the school. i think he wanted to kiss me, but i wouldn't lean in. i was very late for dinner and feeling really bad about it and just wanted to get inside. i also don't want to appear promiscuous, since i'm not. therefore, he can wait a couple more times. :-)

anyways, overall, it was nice. but there were some turnoffs. but hey, at least i'm being pursued. :-)


Beryl Williams said...

Sooooo cool! I might be wrong but isn't it kind of miraculous that you have run into each other twice in two day? Does he go to the school? And if not, that seems even more so...proud of you for using restraint with him...sounds like a pretty awesome evening to me. Yeah, he should pay, this was kind of a spontaneous meeting, so he may have not been really prepared to do so..also you mentioned that he was not feeling well, that can be a factor too. No one is perfect but it sounds like a really neat day! I know that I keep saying it but I need to keep saying it! I am very, very proud of you Lady Adrienne.

Anonymous said...

Jenny my little binzka!!, what's this i here about rooftops?? nice girls don't see rooftops, please listen, he says he wasn't feeling well, right? so what's with the icecream, is this a cure?? I don't think so little one, trust Uncle Moshe, I've been around, remember I was in Europe!! I know about roof tops already!!And whats this pina colada drink?? i hope that's spanish for Shirley Temple!! You must watch out, those strange countries can spot a nice girl like you, serve you something strange and poof, you wake up with a tatoo!! I'm so proud you didn't "lein in" good girls don't ever 'lein in' keep up the good work, find a nice boy, stay off roof tops! As always we love you and are proud of our little binzka, Uncle Moshe