Thursday, November 16, 2006

hombre en la calle

during our break i've been walking around the block. (because i don't walk enough as it is!) today i was out walking and on my way back to the school i passed a guy riding a bike. we smiled at each other and when i returned to the school i stood outside waiting for the break to be over. well, a few minutes later the guy rides up and starts talking to me in Spanish. i, of course, have no clue what he was saying and tell him so. and then he speaks in English. me being the skeptic that i am figured he was just there to sell me something. everyone who approaches me in this city wants to sell me something, so why not him? well, after a few minutes of talking he asks me to meet him tonight after he gets off work at 10 p.m. He's a painter, but that doesn't pay the bills, so he cooks in a restaurant until 10 at night. he hands me a brochure of art showings and pleads with me to come meeting him at the Mono Loco at 10. i tell him that 10 is really late. he doesn't get it and asks again. i tell him again that it's really late and he pleads for only 30 minutes. of course he doesn't realize that i'm a shy American skeptic with no money and no friends, but he's way cute! :-)

so anyways...

i'm not sure what i'm going to do, but it was really nice to have an offer.


Anonymous said...

Be very cautious, take a girlfriend with you or someone you know from your school.

Beryl Williams said...

my jenny is a very smart girl...I trust your judgement implicitly.
very cool that he is "way cute". It always makes me feel better when they are verses, well, you know! Smart guy by the way. :-)
What kind of painting? Style and medium that he uses?
Excited for you! Love you

Anonymous said...

Little Jen!! this boy speaks Spanish?? I hope I heard you wrong, why would a nice Hebrew boy speak to you like that?, something's wrong!! And you smiled!!, i hope it was just a little gas, that foreign food can do that to a sensative girl like you! Listen to Uncle Moshe, stay away from guys who don't speak properly, you may find your self on roof tops or even worse!! Your poor cousin Elsa, she talked to a man like this, the next thing you knew she was caught doing 2 cheek kisses. we know you're a good girl, stay home, drink lots of cold water, be a good girl!! We love you and are so proud! Uncle Moshe