Friday, November 17, 2006

did he show?

yes, he showed. he came by the school today on our break. we walked and talked for a bit and decided to meet tomorrow at this museum at 9:30 a.m. he gave me the double-cheek kiss and we parted ways, him to work and me to school. maybe this weekend we will go dancing. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Jewish accent) Listen my Jen!! such a nice girl you are we know that!! But a 2 cheeks kiss, how many times have you see this boy and already 2 cheek kissing!!, In my day you would get a proper invitation, then a nice courtship, maybe 2 years of marriage before a 2 cheek kiss already!!come here my little binzka, theres an old yidish saying, "no body wants an over squeezed tomatoe" or is it, "if you squeeze a tomatoe too much.., " aa who cares, the point is who knows this boy?? does he come from a good home?? is he studying for a good proffession??CAN HE PROVIDE?? We don't even know his last name??? Please, think Jen, THINK!! we love you and are very proud of you, don't forget to write, Uncle Moshe