Wednesday, October 15, 2008


last night when i went to bed, this is what i found. this is Ozzy's bed, mind you. but Harriet has curled up to sleep there, too.

when the camera flashed, she looked up to see what was going on. who could resist this sweet little face?!

but where IS Ozzy? oh, THERE he is! under his blanket, of course. "if only this other dog would be still, i could get some sleep!"

and there she found comfort and peace, and off to dreamland we went.

but this morning it was back to playing. it sounds ferocious, but looks so loving...

it's hard to tell from the angle, but they really are the same size, only she's just got longer legs and so can move a lot faster. little Ozzy has been really patient with her, despite the fact he can't get away from her. :-) i think they're going to get along just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwwww she's SOOOO cute and its funny to see them playing. she looks so much like pippin except pippin has white in her. awwww you are going to have a blast with her and so is ozzie!