Thursday, September 18, 2008


the termites have been treated. a garage door opener has been installed. new windows are ordered. rotted wood around three of those windows has been replaced with new wood. most of the garage has been insulated. cables have been wired mostly inside the walls instead of wrapping the entire length of the house along the outside. some plumbing pipes have been replaced. work has begun on the new wall being added in the garage. and many, many other little things have been completed.

i've also managed to move from storage most essentials for living. i've unpacked all the boxes i moved over and am making piles for the future garage sale. i finally got the refrigerator working and filled with food and i even cooked my first meal last night. and i've actually spent five nights on my own ... well, with Ozzy of course!

we're making progress. slowly but surely. things are still chaotic and work is a bit slow for my liking, especially since work on the inside of the house is on hold until the termites have had time to die. but at least i have some organization to my belongings and don't feel TOO cluttered.

i've tried to take some pictures, but they aren't very good which is why i haven't posted any. i will try again very soon though.

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