Monday, September 08, 2008

all work and no play makes me tired!

thanks to my very willing mother, i now have nearly all the necessities for living in my new home, and then some. what i'm still missing is a bed, clothing, and food. my goal is to fill the house with those items by this weekend. maybe. i'm pretty tired and three nights this week are filled up with other activities, so it might have to wait until the actual weekend.

Ricky and his son, Gary, are also hard at work in the garage and attic. i'm really hoping to see actual evidence of that work by the end of the week.

as for the termites, the bug man came on friday and treated the area outside the house where he found live termites. so, hopefully, they are spreading the poison as i speak, thereby killing each other. why do termites exist, anyway? for what good reason? are they food for certain other animals or insects? and even if they are, how do they get eaten if they're hiding so well within walls and such? all i really know is that i want them dead and out of my wood...

oh, i also now have a working garage door opener and new windows on the way. and i've introduced Ozzy (my dog) to the house and the back yard. he hasn't exactly made friends with the five dogs in adjacent yard who very rudely bark at him the moment he sets foot outside. there are also two other dogs two houses down that see him and start barking immediately, too, and will not let up for anything. needless to say, privacy fences are definitely on my list. maybe all the dogs will get used to each other eventually, but i'd still like to be able to go outside unnoticed.

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