the latest saga of my life
there's an actual wall there now. looks kinda weird, because it's a wall, and it wasn't there before, and now you can't see the window on the other side. funny how i got used to seeing the garage as it was even though i hardly spent any time there before the wall came. but i heard once that it only takes two weeks to make something a habit. it might look weird right now, but give it two weeks and it'll look original.

i decided the fake drawers at the sink looked neglected, so i added knobs there too. but ultimately, as i do with nearly everything, i thought about it further and decided maybe i should have put handles on the drawers and knobs on the upper doors. *sigh* i always over think everything to the point of not liking it. so now i'm looking at my kitchen liking it, but thinking i could like it a lot better. but to like it better would cause me a TON of more work.
as it turned out, my entire weekend was spent working on one WEE kitchen. and all i'd planned to do was add knobs and handles. no big deal. but the doors aren't hung evenly. and they don't close all the way. so after i spent a couple of hours adding the knobs and handles i tackled the hinge issue. and THAT is what took up the rest of my weekend.
i thought maybe it was the hinge's fault as to why the door won't close all the way. so i took the hinge off. but first i had to scrape the paint off the screws. then i got the hinge off the door and decided that the unevenness would be fixed by moving the hinge location up a little bit. ok. great idea, but it didn't work. well it did, for the unevenness, but ended up making the closing even worse. doubly worse!
i worked and worked at it, never making it better. *sigh* maybe it's the hinge. maybe the hinge is too old. or not the right kind. so off to the store i go to buy a new hinge. but now that i have the door off the cabinet and the hinge off, i might as well scrape the paint off since the paint is already ruined from the previous handle so i can repaint it and make it look new to match the new handle. went to the store and bought all the necessary supplies, came home, put the stripper on the door, opened the hinge package, looked at it up against another hanging door and decided it's not the right kind. it's flush and i need inset. i think.
it's now about 8 p.m. on saturday night, i'm in the garage scraping paint off ONE cabinet door. good grief. i got the white paint off one side of the door, but the brown paint underneath is being stubborn. after two attempts i finally decide i've had enough of this project for the day and go to bed.
the next day i took back the flush hinge and bought an inset one. i sanded the one side of the door and hung it up with the new hinge. it's ugly, but the hinges look good. :-) and, even better, it closes!!! but of course, this is ME we're talking about. the new old unpainted door with new black hinges and handle hanges beautifully and even with the other door, but it overlaps the other door, by about half an inch. well, that's because of the different hinge. solution? take the other door's hinges off and put new ones on it too, making it move to the right half an inch and all will be well with my kitchen world.
except both doors will have hinge holes on the outside that will need to be filled, the other door will need to be scraped and repainted, and the same thing will need to be done with ALL the OTHER doors. there are 10 of them, mind you. and now there are 9 matching and one oddball. of course. plus there are 8 doors on the bottom that don't match any on the top at all because they're newer and are thicker and have hidden hinges.... *sigh*
such is my life ... this from a woman who likes consistency, things that match. i think i'll scrap the entire thing and just buy new doors, ones that match the bottom ones. of course, i still have to decide if i want knobs or handles. ugh!