Monday, January 08, 2007


it seems some might think that my experience in Guatemala was overall BAD.

i am aware that, by nature, i am a negative person. i try hard not to be, but i am. therefore, i am aware that my blogs, overall, were negative in tone, giving the impression that i hated almost all my experiences over the 9 weeks.

however... i enjoyed my experience, overall.

yes, i struggled. yes, i hurt. yes, i had negative experiences while there. BUT, overall, i really did enjoy many things about it and am actually quite happy i went. while the learning process was hard (not only the language), now that i'm on the other side of it, i am thankful for the process because i can see how much i actually DID learn.

and while going to Guatemala was for language school, for the most part, i walked away with my pockets much more full of other things, as well as language. and for that i am happy.

so... no, dear ones, to clarify, i did not hate those 9 weeks, even if it sounded like it through my in-the-moment ramblings.

and yes, dear ones, i would do it again. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, I've been reading your blog and glad to see that your time spent in Guatemala was not entirely unhappy
and that you did enjoy learning a little of some of a different laguage.
I'm sure you will get to use it a little (if nothing else you can listen
in on other people's conversation when
]they don't know that you know what they are saying.
GP talked to your dad tonight and says he sounded better and was more upbeat.
Thats a good sign. If he doesn't keep
a positive attitude it will take him
that much longer to get better. He needs to be thinking he will get well and be back to somewhat normal instead
of laying there thinking he's not going
to make it. That will help your mom too. I'm sure she gets discouraged too
and she needs some encouragement too.
And as for you and your situation, I am
sure you do have doubts about what you are going to do with your life but you are an intelligent, beautiful young lady and keep praying and asking for guidance and I'm certain HE will give
you the encouragement and guidance and
peace you need. I do know that the opportunity to advance yourself can come. Look for it and expect it.
I must close now. Love you. gm
01-09-07 10 p.m.

Anonymous said...

I never took it as negative. Honest. That's how I'd describe you. And a blog is part diary and part journalism. A diary is where you do express those kinds of feelings and journalism is all about explaining the story of the moment 'sans feelings'. So over all a blog is really a kind of strange contradiction. Not sure where I'm going with this other to say thanks for letting us see the world through your eyes, thanks for expressing the emotions, and thanks for telling the story.