Wednesday, October 25, 2006

mustard, ugh!

Adolfo made those sandwiches again for breakfast. mustard, mayo, turkey ham, and cheese. thankfully the other stuff drowns out most of the mustard, but i can still taste it. i don't have the heart to tell him i don't like it.

i've learned "estar" today. it's another "to be" verb, but temporary. (Jeff, thanks!) talk about a confusing language. my teacher keeps telling me not to think in English, but i don't know how NOT to think in English. it's all i know!!! if you have advice, please share. i'm lost.

today we go on a tour of the museum in the Santo Domingo hotel. i think i'll go.

it was cold this morning, so i put on long sleeves. but now it's hot. i never know what the weather is going to be from day to day, hour to hour. it's always changing on me. i've been dressing in short sleeves and carrying a jacket, but today i wanted to be minimal and thought i'd be ok. but alas, i am hot. *sigh* oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sandwich sounds good...maybe without the mustard though...