Friday, December 01, 2006


ya know, food here has been pretty good for the most part. what i am served in the house is usually edible, except the mustard sandwiches. but today ... today i just couldn't get the eggplant down. i've never liked it, and today was no exception. the Czech girl didn't like it either.

the other night we had tostados for dinner. three of them, with lettuce and hamburger meat on top. i was surprised there were no beans, this being a bean culture. but they were really good. and last night we had two sandwiches and cheetos, the CRUNCHY ones! where did they find them? i wondered. these sandwiches were the one we usually eat for breakfast, so it was strange to eat them for dinner. and especially since dinner is usually a lite meal. but they were good and mine were minus the tomatoes. :-)

i have been eating like crazy the past couple of weeks and have gained some weight back. i am also depressed about that. it's a vicious cycle, seeing as how i eat junk food as comfort food when i am depressed, and therefore gain weight. then i get more depressed over gaining weight. i know i'm not alone in that. but man is it hard to deal with. so today i'm trying to avoid the junk. i've only slightly succeeded, which i guess is better than nothing.

*sigh* i'll stop complaining for the moment.


Anonymous said...

Well Jenny, you have been through another trial! I just got in this evening. I snuck off to Casino Coushatta for four days to celebrate my birthday. Here's something for you to look forward to, you'll be back in Texas in a couple of weeks and get to see your favorite Aunt & Uncle! All kidding aside, sorry to hear that you've lost your job and that you've put on a couple of ounces. With your new language skills it won't be long until you have a brand new job which will probably be more to your liking, more pay, and more prospects for better things in the future (future25) hmmmm.
See you soon sweetie!

Anonymous said...

breathe... big breaths... inhale... now exhale... once more... ... ... okay... now... you're going to make it through this... (you know you will) and once you get back to the states and are reunited with Ozzy and back near the mountains you love so much, you know you're going to take off the slight weight you've put on and find a much better job you not only enjoy doing but that also pays pretty well... You know you're stronger than you think at times... remember, this too shall pass...
keep your chin up and remember to SMILE! large while doing that...

Anonymous said...

Honey, just think positive. I don't have to have all that junk
food, I can find some fruit, other things that don't pile on the ounces and soon I'll be my old skinny self again. By the way, beans are nutritious and so I guess
that would help fill up the empty
places. Just don't be discouraged.
Love & Hugs, gm
December 2, 2006 11:12 p.m.