Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yo estoy muy cansada y triste hoy. Muy, muy triste. Susanne dejó esta mañana, y los chicos llegarón anoche a once de la noche y estaban muy maleducados. ellos dejaron a doce menos cuarto, despues los grité dos veces. mi clase estuvó bien, un poco facil hoy. yo lloré (porque de Susanne), y Hugo estuvó simpaticó. yo compré un chuchito y una tostada durante nuestro pausa. tambien yo tomé mis ropas al lavandaria, y pagaré Q70 en treinta minutos. espero almuerzo está bueno hoy, porque yo tengo hambre y necesito comida bueno me hacer mejor. posible esta tarde yo compraré helado de Campero. me gusta helado. pues, yo necesito dejar. hasta luego.


i am very tired and sad today. very, very sad. Susanne left this morning, and the guys arrived last night at 11 at night and were very rude. they left at 11:45 after i yelled at them twice. my class was fine, a little easy today. i cried (because of Susanne), and Hugo was kind. i bought a chuchito and a tostada during our break. i also took my clothes to the laundry and will have to pay Q70 in 30 minutes. i hope lunch is good today, because i am hungry and need good food to make me feel better. possibly this afternoon i will buy ice cream from Campero. i like ice cream. anyways, i need to leave. until later.

1 comment:

Beryl Williams said...

oh sweetie, I am sorry for days like this...but they are all still chances to grow and you are...Hugo
sounds kind...I am glad for that.
The writing in Spanish, VERY COOL!
Which is harder? Writing or speaking?
Still very proud of you! Love you.