Thursday, January 03, 2008

time flies

i can't believe another year is gone already. seems like 2007 seriously FLEW by, like no other year in my life. i haven't had to write "2008" yet, so it still hasn't sunk in completely.

i don't normally make new year's resolutions, but this year i'm resolving to have a new outlook ... ahead with hope. there's always been a part of me that looked at the year that just passed with disappointment. i've had a tendency to look back, only seeing my "failures" ... the things i didn't accomplish. but this year, my resolution before the year even began, was to not look back on 2007 with anything, especially disappointment, but to focus on looking ahead at 2008 with HOPE. and so begins my resolution of hope...


Anonymous said...

Hey Howdy Girlie! : )
Just stopping by for a quick minute and thought I'd say Happy New Year and all that jazz. ; )
If you sent me a text I haven't gotten it because my screen on my phone isn't working now - ugh.
Anyhoo, Happy New Year again and I hope all goes well for you this year!
I'm starting school in a few weeks (keep fingers crossed for me!)
I'll email you all the info later k.
Hugs and Kisses!

Anonymous said...

You can't change the past,so get over it and move on; the future is not promised, so don't plan for it as though it were; the present is a tangible asset, so make the best of it and live in the moment!