it's been a month?
wow, time flies. i realized a couple of days ago that i hadn't blogged in a while, so i came to my site to see what it even looked like and saw that it had been almost a month since my last entry. then, this afternoon, i received a comment from a friend saying she hadn't heard from me via my blog in a while and wanted to encourage me to pick it up again. and so....
i've been busy. let's see ... after the week of my dad dying, i went to colorado to pack up my house and say goodbye to all my friends. that was another tiring week, but successful. my uncle drove all my stuff down here for me, i flew home, and we put it all in a storage unit. the next day i went back to work.
and since i've been back to work i haven't been the happiest camper in the world. but, i've had a slight change of heart and am working on having a new attitude ... you know, be happy with what i have, give it my all, one day at a time, work at it like i don't have any other choices, etc. It's only been two days, but so far it's working. *L*
another change in my life is that my mom is buying a house in town and selling her house/property out in the country. so now when i go visit i'll be IN Brenham again. it'll be strange in the beginning, but so much more convenient for all involved. but it'll be a good change for my mom once she gets settled in.
i decided a couple of days ago to make a list of all the changes/trauma/confusion that's been a part of my life over the last year. i was quite surprised. no wonder my heart is tired and hurting when i actually bother to look at it. i won't bother you with my confusion, but take my word for it ... the last year has been quite a montage of chaos. if it's not physical, it's mental. and if it's not mental, it's ... well, everything else.
anyways ... be happy for what you DO have, instead of being upset about the things you don't have YET. and ... it's too early to quit. those two sentences are what i'm hanging on to with everything i have right now. that and the promises that God loves me and is taking care of me. those are the things keeping me going. otherwise, i'd be on a plane to Europe right now, with no job, no house, and no idea of what to do next (which, depending on my mood, isn't such a bad idea).
keeping hanging in there with me. and thanks for checking in.
until next time...
1 comment:
Welcome back to your blog! I check it everyday as part of my routine. I was wondering if you'd ever get back to it. I was thinking of inquiring at our next meal meeting, glad to see I don't have to.
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