Saturday, September 16, 2006

"The Last Kiss"

saw the movie today. i was entertained. i like Zach. but i like "Garden State" better. i won't say much in order to not ruin it for anyone who will see it later. i hate it when people do that to me...

anyways, at one particular point in the movie this girl is talking to this guy and she tells him how she thinks that people are having mid-life crisis(es) much earlier than people used to, which is what the guy must be going through at that moment.

i laughed at this, internally since no one else made a sound and i didn't want to look/sound like a weirdo. i laughed because i feel like i'm going through this. and in fact, my mom actually worded it as such a couple of weeks ago when asking me a question. at that moment, i responded, "it's not a mid-life crisis, Mom." and now, here i am, basically saying i'm having a mid-life crisis ... at 30!

what do you think? not necessarily about ME having a crisis, but about the theory that people are going through the mid-life thing much earlier nowadays?

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