Thursday, December 11, 2008
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
when mom and i were putting up the Christmas tree in my newly finished front room/office/sunroom/Christmas room, we were humming songs like "O Christmas Tree", "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" and "Let it Snow". little did we know the very next day it would ACTUALLY snow. in Brenham, Texas. where it maybe snows once every ten years (that might be an exaggeration, but in my lifetime of living in Brenham, it snowed twice when i was a kid, that i can remember, and once as an adult).

Here was my closet. Actually, this is the closet in the second bedroom, but my closet looked just like it, except the wood was brown and covered with old canvas wallpaper stuff. But basically it consisted of a hole in the wall with one closet rod and a shelf above that and wood and nails and a yucky musty smell.
and this is my closet NOW, after drywall and a "closet system" i bought at Lowes. It consists of a shelf thing and three rods.
it's still small, mind you, but at least it's finished and clean and organized and doesn't smell like old wood. :-)