the closing on my house was yesterday. i arrived, signed a bunch of papers, handed over a very large check, and went back to work. it was kind of odd, to say the least. like a normal day, but yet i just spent an enormous amount of money and have nothing to show for it except paper. very strange feeling. the reason for this is because the now-former owner can't move out until the end of next week. which leaves me holding a title to a house, but no keys.
and so i wait....
something hit me as i wrote the subject of this post. i own a house, but i don't occupy it. i've paid for it, but i can't go inside. this reminds me very much of the way heaven will be one day for many people. they will inhabit heaven, but they won't inherit heaven. what's the difference? being able to walk through special doors. they'll be there, watching others do things that are wonderful, going to magnificent places, even ruling with Jesus Himself, but they won't be able to do those things. heck, I might not even be able to do those things. it all just depends. i used to think going to heaven was good enough. but i've been learning so much more about rewards and priveleges and honors kept out for a select people and now i want to be able to participate, to inherit.
privelege: 1) A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste. 2) Such an advantage, immunity, or right held as a prerogative of status or rank, and exercised to the exclusion or detriment of others.
wow. i don't know about you, but i hate being left out. i hate being excluded.
think about it. tomorrow you're out running errands. when you get home, your small house has been replaced with a GINORMOUS mansion. the rooms are HUGE, the tv is HUGE, the yard is PERFECT, and all the furnishings are BEAUTIFUL. there stands a housekeeper, a chef, and a gardener. but later your family and closest friends come over. they have this major cool party in the kitchen and dining room of YOUR home. your chef cooks a five-course meal for THEM and gives you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. they have fabulous food and drinks and lots of laughter and special gifts for each other. but you're not in the kitchen. you're in the living room, by yourself, eating your PB & J sandwich, listening. maybe even catching a glimpse of the goings-on. but you can't join in. why? because when they were talking about having the party, you chose to ignore them and do your own thing. when they were trying to involve you, you didn't care about the party, because it was weeks in the future and all you cared about was watching the Olympics. they stayed up until midnight planning, but you went to bed. they got up early in the morning to go shopping for gifts and you slept in.
how would you feel? i know i would feel HORRIBLE. i'd probably cry and beg them to let me join them. but my grandpa, or someone else in authority (Jesus, in this analogy) would tell me, "i'm sorry, but you can't, because you have to be held responsible for your actions in the past. you chose to not participate then, so you can't participate now." that would just totally suck. i get to live in this mansion, which is wonderful, but there's a steel doggy-door preventing me from going to the party, which is so much better.
so what's the answer? how do you inherit heaven? well, first you have to guarantee your inhabitance. then you grow up, spiritually, and learn as much as you can about God, the Bible, and your purpose on this earth according to Him. as you do that, you learn how to keep the faith, love God, love others, love yourself, and live as a mature believer in Christ. if you grow up, you'll get to go to the party. and so much more that we can't even imagine.
of course that party in heaven is far better than having keys to my wee house. but still. today i own, but in nine days i will possess. it will be so nice to be able to walk through the front door and claim it as mine.